
At Crossroads, we are a people of prayer.  We truly believe in the power of prayer, and that the Bible has much to say on the subject.

For example:  In 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul urges us to pray for "all people."  In Proverbs 15:8, the Bible also tells us that God delights in the prayers of His people.  In the Gospels, which record Jesus' time on Earth, we see that Jesus set time apart to pray on a regular basis.  In Matthew 6 and Luke 11, he even gave us an example of how to pray.  

There are several ways to request prayer from our Care Team, Elders, and all of our church family: 

  • Text NOW to 812-858-8668.  You will be contacted by a Care Team member, who will pray with you.
  • Call us at 812-858-8668
  • Message us on Facebook (
  • Request prayer and anointing by Crossroads Elders (click here).