Dependence on God

To LIVE and LOVE like Jesus, we must pursue a lifestyle of complete dependence on God in everything we do!

How did Jesus do this?
● Jesus modeled complete obedience to the Father. (John 4:34, John 5:19-20, John 15:9-12)

● Jesus calls us to full union with the Son. (John 15:1-5, John 17:20-26)

● We are given power to act through the Spirit. (Acts 1:8, John 14:12-14, John 16:7, Matthew 10:1,20)

What is our response?
We will be focusing on two foundational areas:
● Studying and teaching a working theology of the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives.

● Adopting healthy spiritual rhythms, practices, or disciplines necessary to walk in full dependence on God; things like prayer, Sabbath, reading scripture, simplicity and solitude.

● We are prayerfully pursuing the heart of God and His Word on this topic, we will begin the journey as a church of exploring what we're identifying as Spiritual Rhythms. These rhythms are just incredibly practical ways of ordering our lives to allow for God to gently lead us, as we pursue lives of discipleship to Jesus.

● Watch for dates for four teaching nights over the course of the next year, where we will gather to take a deeper dive into these topics together. We will also continue our quarterly Worship Nights!