Making Disciples

To LIVE and LOVE like Jesus, we train people to grow and multiply themselves. 

Based on what we see in Jesus’ life, what He imparted to his followers, they passed those same things on to others. We believe this: to live and love like Jesus, we train people to grow and multiply themselves.

How did Jesus do this?

● Jesus saw potential in regular people.

● Jesus gathered them into small groups and invested in them deeply.

● Jesus sent them out to teach others.

● He called people to obedience and sacrifice. (John 15:14, Luke 9:23)

● He saw untapped potential in regular people. (Matthew 4:18-19)

● He invested deeply into the lives of a few. (Mark 14:33)

● He took advantage of the power of groups. (Luke 6:12-13)

● He modeled, then sent people out on a simple, world-changing mission (Luke 10:1-2, Matthew 28:18-20)

What is our response?

● We will create a spiritual formation pathway.

● We will train people to share their story and God’s story.